La Fundación Palarq es una entidad privada y sin ánimo de lucro que se crea con la finalidad de apoyar las Misiones en Arqueología y Paleontología Humana Españolas en el extranjero, excluyendo Europa, dentro de una perspectiva que abarca desde la etapa paleontológica a las épocas prehistóricas y las históricas en interés monumental

Researchers Track Spread of Dairy Production across Neolithic Atlantic Europe ( Sci_News 27/04/20)

In a study published in the journal Nature Communications, archaeologists analyzed the molecular remains of food preserved in 6,000-7,000-year-old pottery from 246 pottery sherds from 24 Neolithic sites situated between Portugal and Normandy as well as the Western Baltic.

The Spanish Project Djehuty finds the coffin and the mummy of a young woman who lived 3,600 years ago with her trousseau

Djehuty Project, a Spanish archaeological mission led by José Manuel Galán, of the CSIC, discovers a coffin with a female mummy of about 15 or 16 years old buried with two earrings, two rings and four necklaces, one of them of great value This 19th campaign of the project has also unearthed a small coffin…

Europeans carry more than 500 genetic ‘fragments’ inherited from archaic human species such as Neanderthals (DailyMail 04/22/20)

The average European carries more than 500 genetic ‘fragments’ from Neanderthals and other archaic human species, a study has found. Among this heritage is included genes that are linked to prostate cancer risk, iron retention, blood clotting speed and smaller height.

Primitive 300,000-year-old throwing stick discovered in Germany was used by early human ancestors to hunt waterbirds and horses during the Ice Age (DailyMail 04/21/20)

Homo heidelbergensis used the wooden weapons to hunt waterbirds and horses. The stick made out of spruce could reach speeds of nearly 100 feet per second. The ancient weapon spun powerfully around a centre of gravity towards a targe.

Study sheds light on alterations by carnivores to Paleolithic campsites (HeritageDaily 04/20/20)

Ruth Blasco, Taphonomy researcher at the Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH), has participated in a paper published in the journal Scientific Reports which demonstrates the considerable alteration and anatomical bias produced by wild carnivores once places inhabited by Paleolithic hominins have been abandoned.