La Fundación Palarq es una entidad privada y sin ánimo de lucro que se crea con la finalidad de apoyar las Misiones en Arqueología y Paleontología Humana Españolas en el extranjero, excluyendo Europa, dentro de una perspectiva que abarca desde la etapa paleontológica a las épocas prehistóricas y las históricas en interés monumental

Lunch Break Science #29| Christopher Schmitt

Lunch Break Science is a weekly online series featuring short lectures or interviews with Leakey Foundation scientists Lunch Break Science #29| Christopher Schmitt Meet Leakey Foundation grantee Christopher Schmitt and learn about the development and life histories of primates, especially vervet monkeys. Watch on Facebook, Twitter,  YouTube, or here on Leakey Foundation Live to participate in the Q&A session.

Light in darkness: An experimental look at Paleolithic cave lighting ( 16/06/21)

A recreation of three common types of Paleolithic lighting systems illuminates how Paleolithic cave dwellers might have traveled, lived, and created in the depths of their caves, according to a study published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Mª Ángeles Medina-Alcaide from the University of Cantabria, Spain, and colleagues.

Negev Desert archaeological site illuminates an important chapter in modern humans’ origin ( 15/06/21)

The Boker Tachtit archaeological excavation site in Israel’s central Negev desert holds clues to one of the most significant events in human history: the spread of modern humans, Homo sapiens, from Africa into Eurasia, and the subsequent demise of Neanderthal populations in the region

The first Iberian lead plate found in a regulated excavation in the Pico de los Ajos in Yátova is in archaic writing (Heritage Daily 13/06/21)

A multidisciplinary research team from the University of Valencia (UV), the Prehistory Museum of Valencia (MPV) and the University of Barcelona (UB) has published a study detailing their discovery and interpretation of a lead plate with Iberian writing, the first one obtained in a regulated excavation in Pico de los Ajos (Yátova), one of the…