La Fundación Palarq es una entidad privada y sin ánimo de lucro que se crea con la finalidad de apoyar las Misiones en Arqueología y Paleontología Humana Españolas en el extranjero, excluyendo Europa, dentro de una perspectiva que abarca desde la etapa paleontológica a las épocas prehistóricas y las históricas en interés monumental

Story of human evolution gets another rewrite with DNA analysis of Chinese teeth (CNN 02/09/21)

It suggested that Homo sapiens were in China at least 20,000 years earlier than early modern humans had been previously believed to have left Africa and spread around the world. It also tantalizingly hinted at the possibility that a different group of early humans could have evolved separately in Asia.

Lunch Break Science #19| Yohannes Haile-Selassie

Lunch Break Science is a weekly online series featuring short lectures or interviews with Leakey Foundation scientists Lunch Break Science #19| Yohannes Haile-Selassie Meet Leakey Foundation grantee Yohannes Haile-Selassie, one of the world’s foremost experts in paleoanthropology, and learn about his work uncovering fossils in Ethiopia.