IASCM Project: Underwater Archaeological Research in the Caves of Mallorca
This research seeks to deepen the technical, methodological and underwater study of the prehistoric caves of Mallorca and, likewise, to know more about the karst habitats and their relationship with the land and underwater archaeological sites that surround them. The purpose of this research is, without a doubt, to know if these submerged caves were ever inhabited and, if so, what was the way of life of their inhabitants, what was their need for resources, what was their diet, what kind of relationships they had, what modes of communication they used, what kinds of beliefs or artistic representations existed, and what kind of economy they participated in; hunting and gathering or agriculture and livestock.

From the Pre-Talayotic period from 1500 B.C. until the Muslim conquest of the island in 900 A.D.
SONARS (National Association of Underwater Archaeology)
Web and social networks
Principal Investigator(s)
Dr. Manuel Jose Fumás Soldevilla
Dr. Francesc Gràcia LLadó
SEB (Sociedad Espeleológica Balear)
Dr. Florian Huber Wilhem
Ses Aiguades (Alcúdia), Mallorca
- Without a doubt, it is the IASCM Project, which currently carries out the most exhaustive technical and methodological research in the world, at an archaeological level, in flooded caves, both for the use of the most advanced tools in topography and underwater prospecting and for having a team with a lot of experience in speleodiving.
- The assessment is very positive since many of the objectives set at the beginning of the campaign have been achieved and synergies have been produced with different national and international research groups, which has been very positive in creating efforts focused on research and specific improvement of the present and future methodology of the project.
- The final evaluation of the external surveyors who validate our report has also been positive, making suggestions for improvement. For this reason, there is still a long way to go to validate the conclusions reached in this first campaign, although there is no doubt that the field data collected is completely objective and exhaustive, which guarantees its reliability and precision.
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