Mysterious Stone Age flint artefacts may be crude sculptures of human (New Scientist 07/07/20)

More than 100 distinctive flint artefacts from a Stone Age village in Jordan may be figurines of people used in funeral rituals, according to a team of archaeologists. However, other researchers aren’t convinced that the objects represent people at all. Read more:

Underwater caves in Mexico preserve one of the world’s oldest ochre mines (Science 07/03/20)

Crouching as she wound her way through a pinched underground corridor, a young woman grasped a torch in one hand, soot blackening the craggy ceiling above her. Guided by stacks of stones deeper and deeper in the darkness of the cave, she finally spied her prize: a blood-red vein of rock in the fire-lit wall.…

Lunch Break Science #1 | Zarin Machanda

Lunch Break Science is a weekly online series featuring short lectures or interviews with Leakey Foundation scientists Lunch Break Science #1 • Zarin Machanda Lecture Explore the nature of chimpanzee communication and relationships with Leakey Foundation grantee and director of the Kibale Chimpanzee Project Zarin Machanda. This short lecture is part of The Leakey Foundation’s…