Light in darkness: An experimental look at Paleolithic cave lighting ( 16/06/21)

A recreation of three common types of Paleolithic lighting systems illuminates how Paleolithic cave dwellers might have traveled, lived, and created in the depths of their caves, according to a study published in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Mª Ángeles Medina-Alcaide from the University of Cantabria, Spain, and colleagues.

Bronze Age migrations changed societal organisation and genomic landscape in Italy (Heritage Daily 10/05/21)

A new study from the Institute of Genomics of the University of Tartu, Estonia has shed light on the genetic prehistory of populations in modern day Italy through the analysis of ancient human individuals during the Chalcolithic/Bronze Age transition around 4,000 years ago

Spatial methods for identifying unusual accumulations at Paleolithic sites ( 30/04/21)

A collaboration between researchers at the  CENIEH and HERC, of the University of California at Berkeley has allowed a study to be published in the Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, which reviews the traditional and more innovative methods for identifying unusual horizontal concentrations of archaeological materials at Paleolithic sites