Prehistoric human vertebra discovered in the Jordan Valley tells the story of migration from Africa ( 02/02/22)

A new study led by researchers from Bar-Ilan University, Ono Academic College, The University of Tulsa and the Israel Antiquities Authority presents a 1.5 million-year-old human vertebra discovered in Israel’s Jordan Valley

The world’s oldest mercury poisoning revealed in Copper Age Iberia (15/11/21)

A recent paper published in the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology and in which researchers from the University of Seville participate, explores the complex relationship between humans and mercury over time

Excavation of a Hispano-Visigothic grave at Ojo Guareña (Heritage Daily 16/09/21)

Archaeologists excavating a tomb embedded in the rock by the main entrance to the San Tirso and San Bernabé Hermitage in the karst complex of Ojo Guareña (Merindad de Sotoscueva, Burgos) have discovered the skeleton of an adult individual in the supine position, with its head to the west set between two small limestone blocks