Stefano Biagetti (PhD UCL 2012) is an Africanist anthropological archaeologist at the CaSEs (Culture and Socio-Ecological Research Group), UPF Department of Humanities, and an Honorary Fellow at the School of Geography, Archaeology, and Environmental studies at the University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg). His research focuses on the study of the adaptation of human societies to drylands in Africa in the last ten thousands years, using a trans-disciplinary approach that includes innovative and non-destructive techniques. He teaches African Cultural Studies and Archaeology at the BA course of Global Studies (UPF). He is a member of the editorial board of the journal 'Ethnoarchaeology'. He has published in most prominent academic journals of African archaeology and science, and has given more that thirty presentations at international conferences.
Los depósitos antropogénicos representan el componente principal de los yacimientos arqueológicos y son una fuente primaria de información sobre las actividades humanas del pasado. Esas actividades dejan evidencias en forma de elementos químicos, residuos orgánicos y restos microscópicos de plantas en los sedimentos arqueológicos (micro-proxies). Stefano Biagetti y Patricia Groenewald recolectando las bolsas con…