What did our ancestors eat during the stone age? Mostly meat
The recent discovery of a 3,200-year-old mural has brought renewed attention to the impressive development and complex cosmovision of the pre-Columbian civilizations that lived in what is now Peru’s northern coastal region.
The burial field in Valsgärde outside Uppsala in central Sweden contains more than 90 graves from the Iron Age
An international group of researchers led by the University of Adelaide has conducted a comprehensive genetic analysis and found no evidence of interbreeding between modern humans and the ancient humans known from fossil records in Island Southeast Asia
Archaeologists from the University of Jaén Have discovered a giant mosaic in the recently excavated El Altillo Roman Villa Complex
The first documented record of salt as an ancient Maya commodity at a marketplace is depicted in a mural painted more than 2,500 years ago at Calakmul, a UNESCO World Heritage site in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico
Neanderthals from around 46,000 years ago used ‘toothpicks and oral hygiene’ an international team of scientists have found
The remains of a gold mask are among a huge cache of 3,000-year-old artifacts found at an archaeological site in China’s Sichuan province.
Lunch Break Science is a weekly online series featuring short lectures or interviews with Leakey Foundation scientists Lunch Break Science #23| Ashley Hammond Meet Leakey Foundation grantee Ashley Hammond and learn how fossils, especially the pelvis, are an indicator of locomotor evolution through time.
The renowned fossil hunter on the anti-African prejudice in palaeontology, her dream discovery, and bathing her daughter beside a baby hippo.
An important Maya man buried nearly 1,300 years ago led a privileged yet difficult life. The man suffered malnutrition or illness as a child, but as an adult he helped negotiate an alliance between two powerful dynasties that ultimately failed.
Israeli archaeologists on Tuesday announced the discovery of dozens of Dead Sea Scroll fragments bearing a biblical text found in a desert cave and believed hidden during a Jewish revolt against Rome nearly 1,900 years ago.