Project: “Searching for Pleistocene human occupation in the Kura-Arax river depression” – South Caucasus, Armenia
Institution: Fundación Atapuerca
Directors: Dr. Lena Asryan, Dr. Andreu Ollé Cañellas

Project: “Reformulation of hominid dispersal models through comparative studies of the Acheulean and Middle Paleolithic in India and Africa: Case studies at the Sendrayanapalayam site near Attirampakkam” – India
Institution: Fundación Atapuerca
Directors: Prof. Mohamed Sahnouni, Prof. Shanti Pappu, Prof. Akhilesh Kumar

Project: “Study of technological behaviour in the chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) of Dindefelo: implications for the origin of technology in savannah environments” – Senegal
Institution: Fundación Atapuerca
Directors: Dr. Adrián Arroyo, Dr. R. Adriana Hernández-Aguilar

Project: “Archaeological mission to the site of Oxyrhynchus (El-Bahnasa)” – Egypt
Institution: Universitat de Barcelona – IPOA (Instituto de Próximo Oriente Antiguo)
Directors: Dr. Ignasi-Xavier Adiego Lajara, Dra. Maite Mascort Roca, Dra. Esther Pons Mellado

Project: “Two zero nine, Archaeological mission of the University of La Laguna for the study and conservation of TT 209, Luxor” – Egypt
Institution: Universidad de La Laguna
Director: Dr. Miguel Ángel Molinero Polo

Project: “Zar Tepe in Bactriana. Buddhist Centre of the Kushan period in the hinterland of Termez (Surkhan Darya)” – Uzbekistan
Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Director: Dr. Verónica Martínez Ferreras

Project: “Excavation, historical study and conservation of the Middle Kingdom tombs of the Qubbet el-Hawa necropolis, Aswan” – Egypt
Institution: Universidad de Jaén
Directors: Dr. Alejandro Jiménez Serrano, Dr. José Manuel Alba

Project: “Archaeological project in Gird Lashkir: from the Zagro to the Erbil plain” – Erbil, Iraq (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Director: Dr. Miquel Molist Montaña

Project: “Nahal Efe. The process of neolithisation in the desert region of the Negev” – Israel
Institution: Institució Milà i Fontanals, CSIC – Barcelona
Director: Dr. Ferran Borrell

Project: “Interactions between pastoralists and traders in the Horn of Africa” – Djibouti
Institution: Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio (INCIPIT), CSIC- Santiago de Compostela
Director: Dr. Alfredo González-Ruibal

Project: “The Middle Kingdom Theban Project: Excavation, documentation and publication of tombs of the 11th and 12th Dynasties at Deir el-Bahari and Asasif, Thebes (Luxor)” – Egypt
Institution: Universidad de Alcalá
Director: Dr. Antonio J. Morales Rondán

Project: “Between funerary wells, offering chapels and mud-brick pyramids. Excavations of the Djehuty project in Dra Abu El-Naga- Luxor” – Egypt
Institution: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Director: Dr. José Manuel Galán Allué

Project: “Archaeological project at Tell el-Far’a” – Palestine
Institution: Universidade da Coruña
Director: Dr. Juan Luis Montero Fenollós

Project: “Sikait Project” – Egypt
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Director: Dr. Joan Oller Guzmán

Project: “The Gird Banahilk settlement: The Consolidation of Agro-pastoral Communities in the Zagros” – Kurdistan – Iraq
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Director: Dr. Anna Bach Gómez

Project: “Artisan Priests: The tomb of the Memphite high priest Sabu-Tjeti at Saqqara North (Spanish-Egyptian archaeological mission to Saqqara)” – Egypt
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Director: Dr. Josep Cervelló Autuori

Proyecto: “ModAgrO: Modelling the Agricultural Origins and Urbanism in South Asia” – Pakistan
Institution: Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Director: Dr. Marco Madella

Project: “Paleoanthropological prospecting in Equatorial Guinea IV: coastal area of the continental region (Muni River)” – Equatorial Guinea
Institution: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales – CSIC
Director: Dr. Antonio Rosas González

Project: “Study of the Pleistocene records of the Engel Ela-Ramud ” – Eritrea
Institution:Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES-CERCA)
Directors: Dr. Bienvenido Martínez-Navarro, Dr. Tsegai Medin

Project: “Carthage and its territory, from the Punic ‘rst to the pagus Zeugei, economic landscapes and territorial organisation” – Tunisia
Institution: Universitat de València
Director: Dr. Iván Fumadó Ortega

Project: “Behavioural variability of Homo erectus during the Lower Pleistocene in the Ethiopian Highlands at Melka Kunture” – Ethiopia
Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Directors: Dr. Joaquín Panera Gallego, Prof. Margherita Mussi, Dr. Eduardo Méndez-Quintas, Dr. Susana Rubio-Jara

Project: “Early Acheulean in East Africa: Excavations at Loc 14” – Olduvai, Tanzania
Institution: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Directors: Dr. Ignacio de la Torre

Project: “FLK West (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania) and the origin of the Acheulean in East Africa” – Tanzania
Institution: Universidad de Valladolid
Director: Dr. Fernando Diez Martín

Project: “First human steps in South America: walking among Gonphotheres” – Chile
Institution:Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES-CERCA)
Director: Dr. Carlos Tornero

Project: “Archaeological Pr. in the Kachchh (India): pastoralism, exchange and the origins of the Indus Civilisation” – India
Institution: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Directors: Dr. Francesc Cecília i Conesa, Dr. Juan José García Granero

Project: “TIPASA. Occupation, production and interconnections in the territory of an African city during Antiquity” – Algeria
Institution: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Director: Dr. Alejandro Quevedo

Project: “Archaeology in the inland sea of Última Esperanza (Magallanes, Chile): navigation, exchange and use of native forest during the late Holocene” – Chile
Institution: Institució Milà i Fontanals, CSIC – Barcelona
Directors: Dr. Vanessa Navarrete, Dr. Albert García-Piquer, Dr. Robert Carracedo-Recasens

Project: “Archaeology of indigenous peasant spaces and spanish colonial stays in Catamarca (16th-18th centuries)” – Argentina
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Director: Dr. Félix Retamero

Project: “Uxmal. Columns Group Phase II” – Yucatan, México
Institution: Universitat de València
Director: Dr. Cristina Vidal Lorenzo, Dr. Gaspar Muñoz Cosme

Project: “Roman olive oil mills in the Kasserine region (Project linked to “North African identities in transformation: ethnic groups of the Libyco-Berbers and Romans through the funerary imaginary”)” – Tunisia
Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Director: Dr. Fabiola Salcedo Garcés

Project: “Pampa Galeras. Approach to the knowledge of hunter-gatherer societies of the early Holocene in the Peruvian Andean highlands” – Peru
Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Directors: Dr. José-Miguel Tejero Cáceres, Dr. Leslye Valenzuela Leyva

Project: “In search of the origins of the Numidian civilisation: excavations and surveys at Sidi Saïd” – Siliana, Tunisia
Institution: Institut Catàla d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC-CERCA)
Directors: Dr. María del Carmen Belarte Franco, Dr. David Montanero Vico

Project: “Energy resources in prehistory. An approach from the ethnoarchaeology of combustible in Tanzania, Namibia and Sri Lanka”
Institution: Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES-CERCA)
Directors: Dr. Ethel Allué, Dr. Llorenç Picornell Gelabert, Dr. Aitor Burguet Coca

Project: “Archaeology and Heritage in Cape Verde: the city-port of Ribeira Grande in the 15th-18th centuries” – Cape Verde
Institution: Universidad del País Vasco /Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Directors: Dr. Javier Garcia Iñañez, Dr. André Teixeira, Dr. Jaylson Monteiro

Project: “A river called time, an excavation called deep history: archaeological research in the Itajai valley” – Brazil
Institution: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Directors: Dr. Simon-Pierre Gilson, Dr. Alejandra C. Ordóñez

Project: “Characterisation of the occupations in the Lajuad 2 shelter and the ancient Neolithic in Western Sahara” – Western Sahara
Institution: Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural – (ICRPC-CERCA-UdG)
Director: Dr. Joaquim Soler i Subils

Project: “Settlement, social innovations, environmental impact and paleoclimatic changes among hunter-gatherer-fishermen societies on the Atlantic coast of Tierra del Fuego” – Argentina
Institution: Universitat de Barcelona
Directors: Dr. Ivan Briz Godino, Dr. Myriam Álvarez Caamaño

Project: “Life in the Oasis. Project al Madam, Sharjah” – United Arab Emirates
Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Director: Prof. Dr. Carmen del Cerro Linares

Project: “ARVCODA – Archaeology of Plant Resources in the Atacama Desert Coast” – Chile
Institution: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Director: Dr. Débora Zurro

Project: “Past, present and future on the Rota Island” – Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Institution: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
Director: Dr. María Cruz Berrocal

Project: “The Formation of agrarian landscapes in the Central Anden of Peru. The study of the pre-Hispanic agricultural and livestock landscape of the Sondondo Valley”- Peru
Institution: Universidad de Oviedo
Directors: Dr. Margarita Fernández Mier, Dr. Patricia Aparicio Martínez

Project: “The Sumerian city of Adab (Tell Bismaya). The historical and archaeological recovery of a Sumero-Akkadian Lower Mesopotamian city and its surroundings”- Iraq
Institution: Universidad de Valladolid
Directors: Dr. Joaquín María Córdoba Zolio, Dr. Dr. Jesús García Recio, D. Alfonso Vives Cuesta

Project: “Rock art of the Inírida River” – Colombia
Institution: Universidad de Alcalá
Directors: Dr. Carmen Pérez Maestro, Dr. Primitiva Bueno Ramírez

Project: “Memories of the nilotic landscape: survey, simulation and recreation of seasonal flooding in the Mimbal dyke area (Minia)” – Egypt
Institutions: Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Directors: Dr. José Ignacio Fiz Fernández, Dr. Alfredo Guardo Zabaleta

Project: “Past dynamics and distribution of South Africa’s biodiverse systems: revealing the environments of our ancestors and conserving our own” – South Africa
Institutions: Universidad de León, Nelson Mandela University
Directors: Dr. Saúl Manzano Rodríguez, Dr. Lynne Quick

Project: “Study, documentation and radiometric dating of the Tham Fa Mue rock art site” – Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Institution: Universidad de Salamanca
Director: Dr. Olivia Rivero Vilá

Project: “Subsistence strategies and settlement patterns of the first populations of the Amazon: archaeological campaign in Barba Azul Island” – Bolivia
institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Directors: Dr. Asier García Escárzaga, Dr. Umberto Lombardo

Project: ” The human landscape of Thapsus, between the Mediterranean and the sebkha of Moknine” – Tunisia
Institution: Instituto de Arqueología de Mérida (IAM) – CSIC
Director: Dr. Jesús García Sánchez

Project: “Documentation of the parietal manifestations of the Marshill Rockshelter (Rossouw, Stormberg, Eastern Cape)” – South Africa
Institution: Universidad de Granada
Director: Dr. Paloma de la Peña Alonso

Project: “Archaeology of the Hadza: Ethnoarchaeological analysis of the last contemporary hunter-gatherers” – Tanzania
Institution: Universidad de Cantabria
Director: Dr. Pablo Arias Cabal

Project: “C2 – Royal Cache Wadi Survey” – Egypt
Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Director: Dr. José Ramón Pérez-Accino Picatoste

Project: “Lecture Series: “Archaeological research in Spain VI”
Institution: MAN (Museo Arqueológico Nacional) – Madrid
Director: Dr. Isabel Izquierdo Peraile