Projects approved in the call for analytics 2024-2025:

   Project: Isla del Fraile archaeological research project – Murcia

Institution: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)

Director: Dr. Alejandro Quevedo Sánchez


Project: Quibas Paleontological Site, Abanilla- Murcia

Institution: Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES-CERCA)

Director: Dr. Pedro Piñero

Project: Lead isotope analysis of the Ceda deposit Tafalla- Navarra

Institution: Universidad de Valladolid- CSIC

Directors: Dr. Manuel A. Rojo Guerra, Dr. Ignacio Montero Ruíz

Project: Cave of Los Azules,Cangas de Onís- Asturias

Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Director: Dr. David Álvarez Alonso

Project: Geochemical characterization of prehistoric macrolithic tools recovered from the sites of Cova del Parco and Abric del Xicotó Alòs de Balaguer- Lleida

Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Director: Dr. Marta Sánchez de la Torre

Palarq 2024 analíticas

Project: Chronostratigraphic characterization of an exceptional Chalcolithic site: the collective burial of Camino del Molino Caravaca de la Cruz- Murcia

Institution: Universidad de Murcia

Directors: Dr. Joaquín Lomba Maurandi, Dr. María Haber Uriarte, Dr. Sonia Díaz Navarro

Project: The transition from the Middle Paleolithic to the Upper Paleolithic in the northern plateau of the Iberian Peninsula: the case of Cueva Allende-Palencia

Institution: Universidad de Córdoba

Director: Dr. José Antonio Caro Gómez


Project: Logistics in the ancient city: Baelo Claudiaas a case study (CircE_BC), Tarifa- Cadiz

Institution: Universidad de Sevilla

Director: Dr. Oliva Rodríguez Gutiérrez

Project: Paleoenvironment and use of plant resources in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula during the transition between the last hunter-gatherers and the first agricultural societies based on microarchaeological studies: La Draga (Banyoles) and Coves del Fem Ulldemolins- Tarragona

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Directors: Dr. Rosa Maria Albert Cristóbal, Dr. Raquel Piqué Huerta

Project: Analysis of the temporality and uses of the aboriginal ceramic vase from Cueva de los Cabezazos Tegueste- Tenerife

Institution: Universidad de La Laguna

Director: Dr. Salvador Pardo Gordó


Project: The painting of the public spaces of Carthago Nova: petrographic characterization, Cartagena- Murcia

Institution: Universidad de Murcia

Director: Dr. Alicia Fernández Díaz

Project: Evolution of the Mediterranean coastal environment during the Holocene (last 10,000 years): adaptations of human communities and genesis of the urban port environment. The case of the Barcelona plain- Barcelona

Institution: Univesitat de Barcelona

Director: Dr. Santiago Riera Mora

Project: Chronometry of the archaeological site of Los Millares: Contexts of representation and domestic (CREPADO), Santa Fe de Mondújar-Almería

Institution: Universidad de Granada

Director: Dr. Juan Antonio Cámara Serrano

Project: Paleobiological analysis of the faunal record from the excavations at Cerro Macareno La Rinconada- Sevilla

Institution: Universidad de Sevilla

Director: Dr. Francisco José García Fernández

Project: Chronometric approach to the Neolithic settlement of Cerro del Cercado Zamoranos, Priego de Córdoba- Córdoba

Institution: Universidad de Huelva

Director: Dr. Juan Carlos Vera Rodríguez

Project: Neanderthal and early modern human occupations at the Aitzbitarte III site- Guipúzcoa

Institution: Universidad de Cantabria

Director: Dr. Ana Belén Marín Arroyo

Project: Analyzing the impact of humans and carnivores on the bone remains of Cueva Negra del Estrecho del Río Quípar through the three-dimensional analysis of taphonomic alterations, Caravaca de la Cruz- Murcia

Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Directors: Dr. José Yravedra Sainz de los Terreros, Dr. Gonzalo Linares-Matas

 Project: Reconstruction of the landscape of the last hunter-gatherers and the first farmers in the Prades Mountains- Tarragona

Institution: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Directors: Dr. Diego Lombao Vázquez, Dr. José Ramón Rabuñal Gayo, Dr. María Soto Quesada

Figura Palarq Reconstructing landscape 300ppp

Project: Dating of the archaeological sequence of the Cova d’en Pau Serinyà- Girona

Institution: Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES-CERCA)

Directors: Dr. Manuel Vaquero Rodríguez, Dr. Julià Maroto Genover

Project: Getting to know the Mesolithic and Neolithic societies that occupied the Nerja Cave-Málaga

Institution: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)

Directors: Dr. Juan F. Gibaja, Dr. Luís-Efrén Fernández Rodríguez

Project: Human and carnivore interaction: ancient DNA in coprolites from the Paleolithic sites of Garraf-Barcelona

Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Directors: Dr. Montserrat Sanz Borràs, Dr. Joan Daura Luján

 Project: The Upper Paleolithic coloring materials from the Montlleó site (Prats i Sansor, la Cerdanya, Lleida): chemical-mineralogical study- Lleida

Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Directors: Dr. Àfrica Pitarch Martí, Dr. Xavier Mangado Llach


Project: Geochemical characterization of lithic artifacts from level N of Abric Romaní and level IIIb of Les Teixoneres Cave, as well as from siliceous rock source areas of the NE Peninsular- Barcelona

Institution: Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES-CERCA)

Director: Dr. Bruno Gómez de Soler

Project: Calibrating the marine reservoir effect of the Balearic Sea from the dating of Cerastoderma sp- Illes Balears

Institution: Universitat de les Illes Balears

Directors: Dr. Gabriel Servera-Vives, Dr. Alejandro Valenzuela

Project: Analysis of organic residues in tableware used in dining activities in ritual and funerary contexts of Gadir- Cádiz

Institutions: Universidad de Cádiz, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Universidad de Bonn, EHEHI-CVZ

Directors: Dr. Ana M. Niveau de Villedary, Dr. Elena Revert Francés, Dr. Maxime Rageot, Dr. Sara Giardino

Project: Analytical study of absolute chronology at Numantia (CRONUM)-Soria

Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Director: Dr. Raquel Liceras Garrido

Project: Archaeometric characterization of the amphorae of the Illes Formigues II shipwreck (1st century BC)- Girona

Institution: Centre d’Arqueologia Subaquàtica de Catalunya- Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya

Director: Dr. Rut Geli Mauri

Project: Establishment of a precise chronological framework for the Paleolithic soils of La Garma-Cantabria

Institution: Universidad de Cantabria

Director: Dr. Pablo Arias Cabal

Project: Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) dating of the sediment associated with the paleoanthropological remains discovered in Cova B d’Olopte Isòvol, Cerdanya-Girona

Institution: Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH)

Directors: Dr. Davinia Moreno, Dr. Alfonso Benito Calvo, Dr. M. Gema Chacón Navarro

Project: Formal and analytical characterization of elements related to fishing in the lower course of the Ebro during Protohistoric times-Tarragona

Institution: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Directors: Dr. Jordi Diloli Fons, Dr. Samuel Sardà Seuma

Project: Plants and landscapes from the II millennium to the I millennium B.C.E. in the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula- Galicia

Institution: Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio (INCIPIT) -CSIC

Director: Dr. María Martín Seijo

Project: Socioeconomic strategies of the last Neanderthals of the northern plateau: the Prado Vargas cave. Identification of occupations within Level 4- Burgos

Institutions: Universidad de Burgos, Museo de la Evolución Humana, Centro Nacional en Investigación sobre Evolución Humana (CENIEH)

Directors: Dr. Marta Navazo Ruiz, Dr. Rodrigo Alonso Alcalde, Dr. Alfonso Benito Calvo

 Project: Radiocarbon dating of marine shells of Phorcus lineatus and Patella sp. in late Pleistocene contexts in the Cantabrian region-Cantabria

Institution: Universidad de Salamanca

Director: Dr. Esteban Álvarez Fernández

Phorcus lineatus del Magdaleniense superior La Garma

Project: Análisis de la microtextura dental para inferir la dieta y hábitat de primates del Pleistoceno de la Península Ibérica Paleobaboon Research Project- Murcia

Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Directors: Dr. Laura Mónica Martínez Martínez, Dr. Iván Ramírez-Pedraza

Project: Identification of biological sex by proteomic analysis of dental enamel in individuals buried in the cave of Biniadrís, Menorca- Illes Balears

Institution: Universidad de Granada

Directors: Dr. Francisco Contreras Cortés, Dr. Auxilio Moreno Onorato, Dr. Marta Díaz-Zorita Bonilla

Project: Chronological characterization of the iron shells of Piedras de la Barbada Benicarló- Castelló

Institution: Universitat d’Alacant

Director: Dr. Raimon Graells i Fabregat

Project: Livestock management in the emiral fort-ribat of Tossal de la Vila-Castelló

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Director: Dr. Ramón Martí Castelló

Project: Peptide analysis for sexual identification of the megalithic populations of the Los Milanes necropolis Abla- Almería

Institution: Universidad de Granada

Directors: Dr. Margarita Sánchez Romero, Dr. Miriam Vílchez Suárez

Project: Evolution of the culinary and consumption patterns in the urban centers of the northeastern peninsular (VI-I centuries B.C.). Content analysis-Catalunya

Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Director: Dr. Jaume Noguera Guillén

Project: Chronology of the Ferreres sector of the Prehistoric Mines of Gavà-Barcelona

Institution: Institució Milà i Fontanals, CSIC – Barcelona

Director: Dr. Ferran Borrell Tena

Project: Music and performers of the past: archaeometry of bone-made musical instruments and associated human remains from Protohistory to the Middle Ages-Soria

Institution: Universidad de Valladolid

Directors: Dr. Raquel Jimenez Pasalodos, Dr. Olalla López Costas, Dr. Susana de Luis Mariño

Project: Between islands: microfossil evidence of milling during the Prehistory of Menorca and Mallorca- Illes Balears

Institutions: Institució Milà i Fontanals, CSIC – Barcelona

Director: Dr. Marta Portillo Ramírez

Project: Subsistence strategies of the last Neanderthal populations in Kaite Cave-Burgos

Institution: Universidad de Cantabria

Directors: Dr. Marco Vidal-Cordasco, Dr. Ana Isabel Ortega

Project: Oats, crops and/or weeds: genetic study of populations of the Iberian Peninsula and Canary Islands in the Middle Ages and their evolution over time- Islas Canarias y València

Institution: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)

Directors: Dr. Bernardo Ordás López, Dr. Jacob Morales Mateos


Project: Bioarchaeological analysis of the site Sa Tanca Vella, Formentera- Illes Balears

Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Directors: Dr. Cláudia Filipa Lopes Gomes, Dr. María Eulàlia Subirà i de Galdàcano

Project: Chronology of human cannibalism in the Neolithic of the southern Iberian Peninsula. Cueva de la Carigüela, Cueva de Las Majólicas and Cueva de Malalmuerzo-Granada       

Institution: Institut Català de Paeloecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES-CERCA)

Directors: Dr. Palmira Saladié Ballesté, Francesc Marginedas Miró

Project: Ceramic modeling and early technical traditions during the beginning and development of the Neolithic in the southern Iberian Peninsula(ca. 5300-4000 cal. BCE-Málaga y Almería

Institution: Universidad de la Laguna

Director: Dr. Javier Cámara Manzaneda

Project: Seasonal feeding habits of cattle in the Iron Age site of Mas Castellar de Pontós-Girona

Institution: Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC-CERCA)

Directors: Dr. Lídia Colominas Barberà, Dr. Chiara Messana

Project: Uranium/Thorium dating of a speleothem from the Upper Pleistocene to Holcene passage in the archaeosedimentary sequence of the Nativity room of El Cierro cave Fresnu, Ribadesella-Asturias

Institution: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

Director: Dr. Jesús F. Jordá Pardo

Project: Stratigraphic, chronological and environmental contextualization of the exceptional “roda” type deposit of O Corro dos Mouros/O Castrillón Adai- Lugo

Institution: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Directors: Dr. M. Pilar Prieto Martínez, Dr. Olalla López Costas, Dr. Antonio Martínez Cortizas

Project: Luminescence dating in the maqbara-oratory sector of the San Esteban Archaeological Ensemble- Murcia

Institution: Universidad de Murcia

Director: Dr. Jorge A. Eiroa

Project: The exploitation of natural resources in the Ceretan oppida: Serrat del Castellar, Tossal de Baltarga and Castellot de Bolvir (Cerdanya). IV-I century BC-Girona

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Director: Dr. Oriol Olesti Vila

Project: Temporality and mobility in the megalithic necropolis of La Lentejuela Radiocarbon and strontium isotope analysis of human skeletal remains Teba-Málaga

Institution: Universidad de Cádiz

Director: Dr. Eduardo Vijande Vila


Project: Climate and subsistence during the Gravetian in the Levante Peninsular: Cova de les Cendres (Valéncia) and Cova de les Malladetes (Alacant)

Institution: Universitat de València

Directors: Dr. Mónica Fernández-García, Dr. Valentín Villaverde

Project: Chronological study of two burial caves in Teruel, Aragón: the Sima de Peñarroya and the Cueva del Coscojar-Teruel

Institution: Universidad de Zaragoza

Directors: Dr. Jesús V. Picazo Millán, Dr. Marina Bretos Ezcurra

Project: Analysis of crateriform contents from coastal castros of the Second Iron Age in northwestern Iberia, Boiro- A Coruña

Institution: Universidad de Sevilla

Director: Dr. Javier Rodríguez Corral

Project: Characterization and chronological contextualization of archaeological materials linked to the Paleolithic occupations of the caves of Pindal (Pimiango, Asturias) and Hornos de la Peña (San Felices de Buelna, Cantabria)

Instituction: Universidad de Salamanca

Director: Dr. Olivia Rivero Vilá

Hornos de la Peña y El Pindal

Project: Unveiling the Chronology of the Human Past: Multimethod Dating Analysis at the Ruidera-Los Villares Site, Middle Pleistocene-Ciudad Real

Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Director: Dr. Daniel García Martínez, Dr. Sara Díaz Pérez, Dr. Carlos A. Palancar Marín

Project: Cueva del Caballo – Micromammals as indicators of environmental changes and anthropogenic modifications of the landscape from paleogenetic analyses-Badajoz

Institution: Universidad de Zaragoza

Directors: Dr. Ángel C. Domínguez García, Dr. Gloria Cuenca Bescós

Project: Precising the chronology of the Epimagdalenian – Sauveterroid transition in the NE peninsular: Cova de Les Borres and Abric del Filador-Tarragona

Institution: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Directors: Dr. José Ramón Rabuñal Gayo, Dr. Diego Lombao Vázquez, Dr. María Soto Quesada

Project: Arboriculture and ornamental plants in the Municipium Cascantum in Antiquity. High resolution palynological analysis of two Roman villas- Zaragoza

Institution: Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Director: Dr. Josu Aranbarri Erkiaga

Project: Analysis of the lapidary materials from Augusta Emerita in the context of the Roman province of Lusitania-Mérida

Institutions: Museo Nacional de Arte Romano, Fundación de Estudios Romanos

Director: Dr. Trinidad Nogales Basarrate

Project: Agrarian landscapes and climate change in the Ebro Valley: The impact of the creation of a medieval village and town- Álava and Burgos

Institution: Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Director: Dr. Juan Antonio Quirós Castillo

Project: Dating of the stratigraphic sequence of the Adro Vello site O Grove-Pontevedra

Institution: Universidad de Vigo

Director: Dr. Adolfo Fernández Fernández

Project: ZooMing in to Neolithic animal diversity-Noreste penínsular

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Directors: Dr. Maria Saña Seguí, Dr. Alejandro Sierra Sainz-Aja, Dr. Roger Alcàntara Fors

foto ilustrativa proyecto ZooMing in to Neolithic

Project: The prehistoric metallurgy of Menorca. A study of its provenance and circulation using lead isotopes-Menorca

Institution: Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio (INCIPIT)- CSIC

Director: Dr. Pau Sureda

Proyecto: The last Neanderthals in the northern slopes of the Iberian mountain range: establishing the chronometric framework of the archaeological sequence of the AGP5 cave Aguilón- Zaragoza

Institución:Universidad de Zaragoza

Directors: Dr. Marta Alcolea Gracia, Dr. Carlos Mazo Pérez

Project: Dating metallurgical slags. Archaeometric analysis of ancient slag heaps from Sierra Nevada (Granada) and Sierra Morena Oriental (Jaén) (DataMetal)

Institution: Universidad de Granada

Director: Dr. Luis Arboledas Martínez, Dr. Juan José López Martínez

Project: Hierarchization and mobility in Argaric societies. The case of Fuente Álamo Cuevas de Almanzora- Almería

Institution: Universidad de Granada

Directors: Dr. Sergio Ibarz Navarro, Dr. Mercedes Murillo Barroso

Project: Climatic changes during the Quaternary in the northern peninsular from stalagmites from the caves of El Polvorín (Karrantza) and Garratxa III (Lekeitio) – Bizkaia

Institución: Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Directors: Dr. Asier Gómez Olivencia, Dr. Virginia Martínez Pillado

Project: GAPRE – Livestock and prestige in the indiketa world: interdisciplinary study of the archaeozoological record of zone 14 of Puig de Sant Andreu Ullastret-Girona

Institution: Institució Milà i Fontanals, CSIC – Barcelona

Directors: Dr. Silvia Valenzuela Lamas, Dr. Sergio Jiménez Manchón, Dr. Gabriel de Prado

Project: STALAC-RITE: Spectroscopic analysis for the characterization and provenance of speleothems in Iberian Edetan ritual contexts (6th-1st century BC)- València

Institution: Universitat de València

Directors: Dr. Sonia Machause López, Dr. Gianni Gallello

Project: Analysis of the hard animal artifacts found in El Cortijo de Montiel Bajo Santo Tomé de la Vega- Jaén

Institution: Universidad de Granada

Director: Dr. Claudia Pau

Project: Imitation in Roman mural painting: the set D found in the Baths Quarter of the Municipium Augusta Bilbilis, Calatayud- Zaragoza

Institution: Universidad de Zaragoza

Directors: Dr. Lara Íñiguez Berrozpe, Dr. Carmen Guiral Pelegrín

Project: Microsedimentological study of the archaeological site of the Malia shelter Tamajón-Guadalajara

Institution: Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Director: Dr. Martin Arriolabengoa Zubizarreta

Project: The cement work at the Roman site El Forau de la Tuta : archaeometric and petrographic analysis of the mortars. Artieda- Zaragoza

Institution: Universidad de Zaragoza

Director: Dr. Paula Uribe Agudo

Project: Comparative analysis of local ceramic productions in Roman settlements of the Territorium Sisaponensis, Alcudia Valley- Ciudad Real

Institution: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

Directors: Dr. María Rosa Pina Burón, Dr. Mar Zarzalejos Prieto

Project: Rural communities and Iberian domestic spaces in the Emporion area (4th-2nd centuries BC)-Girona

Institution: Universidad Pompeu Fabra

Directors: Dr. Ana Delgado Hervás, Dr. Mateo González Vázquez, Dr. Margalida A. Coll Sabater


Project: Archaeometric study of the idol deposits of La Orden-Seminario : chronology, characterization and content analysis- Huelva

Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Director: Dr. José Antonio Linares Catela

Project: Monumental complex of Castell de Besora and the epidemics of the Middle Ages-Barcelona

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Directors: Dr. Cristina Maria Pereira dos Santos, Dr. Assumpció Malgosa Morera

Project: I was there too. Approach to the study of the non-adult population in megalithic funerary deposits, based on chronometry and proteomics-Soria and Burgos

Institution: Universidad de Valladolid

Directors: Dr. Cristina Tejedor Rodríguez, Dr. Teresa Fernández Crespo, Dr. Sonia Díaz Navarro, Dr. Laura Bañuelos García-Castellano

Project: Temporal relationships between the kinship nuclei of the individuals buried in the tomb of Roc de les Orenetes Queralbs-Girona

Institution: Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES-CERCA)

Directors: Dr. Miguel A. Moreno, Dr. Carlos Tornero

Project: A seasonal menu? Climate and seasonality in the shellfish exploitation of the first settlers of Tenerife (200-1000 AD) through sclerochronology-Tenerife

Institution: Universidad de La Laguna

Directors: Dr. Álvaro Castilla Beltrán, Dr. Fernando Igor Gutiérrez Zugasti, Dr. Cristo Hernández Gómez, Dr. Carolina Mallol Duque

Project: Geochemical characterization for the study of pottery traditions and their changes in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula from the Late Iron Age to the Roman period -Asturias, Galicia and León

Institution: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)

Director: Dr. Almudena Orejas, Alicia Hernández

Project: Paleoproteomic analysis of human remains from Roman and Late Antique Ecija (1st century BC – 8th century AD)- Sevilla

Institution: Universidad de Sevilla

Directors: Dr. Filipa Cortesão Silva, Dr. Jesús Acero Pérez

Project: Archaeometric characterization and dating of the ceramic production of the settlement and necropolis of La Tabla de Las Cañas, Capilla-Badajoz

Institution: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Directors: Dr. Pablo Paniego Díaz, Dr. Lucía Ruano Posada

Project: Isotopic analysis of the Early Neolithic and Late Neolithic-Chalcolithic funerary deposits from the Cova del Pasteral La Cellera de Ter-Girona

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Directors: Dr. Antoni Palomo Pérez, Dr. Ana Rita Quito Curto

Project: Characterization of the human diet at the Can Roqueta site (Sabadell) during the Early Bronze Age (2000-1300 CAL BC)- Barcelona

Institution: Universitat de Barcelona

Directors: Dr. F. Javier López Cachero, Dr. Tona Majó, Ada Gomar

Project: Temporal study of a set of cranial trepanations and funerary gestures associated with the skull found in megalithic contexts La Lora-  Burgos

Institution: Fundación Universidad de Valladolid

Director: Dr. Angélica Santa Cruz del Barrio


Project: Trade and exchange in the southeast during the 15th and 16th centuries. Social and technological transformations of imported ceramics in the southeastern frontier of al-Andalus through the archaeometric characterization of the ceramic remains of the Alcazaba de Almería- Almería

Institution: Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Director: Dr. Javier Garcia Iñañez

Project: Sepulchral caves of Muntanyes de Prades-Tarragona

Institution: Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES-CERCA)

Director: Dr. Josep Maria Vergès Bosch

– Project: Dating of the construction of the megalithic monument of El Moreco by optically stimulated luminescence- Burgos

Institution: Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH)

Director: Dr. Alicia Medialdea Utande

Project: Geographical and altitudinal movements of sheep and goat herds in mountain areas during the Neolithic in the eastern Iberian Peninsula: analysis of stable isotopes of strontium, oxygen and carbon in the site of Cova de les Cendres Moraira- Alacant

Institution: Institució Milà i Fontanals, CSIC – Barcelona

Director: Dr. Vanessa Navarrete

Project: Identity and gender in the Phoenician-Punic necropolis of Villaricos (Almería): amelogenin peptides for sexual identification of individuals associated with ostrich eggs- Almería

Institution: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Directors: Dr. Miriam Luciañez-Triviño, Dr. Violeta Moreno Megías

Project: Dyes and rock art: Analysis of mineral resources in the massif of Els Ports-Tarragona

Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Director: Dr. Miquel Molist Montaña


Project: Maritime economy and Halieutic activities at Baelo Claudia, Tarifa-Cadiz

Institution: Universidad de Cádiz

Directors: Dr. José Juan Díaz Rodríguez, Dr. Darío Bernal Casasola

Project: Incidence of the use of cinnabar in the funerary rituals of the megalithic tomb of La Velilla Osorno- Palencia

Institution: Universidad de Valladolid

Director: Dr. Elisa Guerra Doce

Project: Study of the paleoenvironment of the paleolithic sequence of the Sopeña shelter: contribution of stable isotope analysis Onís- Asturias

Institution: Universitat de Girona

Director: Dr. Julià Maroto Genove

Project: Piloña flint and alternative raw materials from El Sidrón Cave : deepening petrological intravariability and interregional mobility-Asturias

Institution: Universidad de Oviedo

Directors: Dr. Marco de la Rasilla Vives, Dr. Juan Carlos Cañaveras Jiménez, Dr. Sergio Sánchez-Moral

Project: Microarchaeology in proto-historic domestic spaces- Illes Balears y Tarragona

Institution: Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC-CERCA)

Director: Dr. Marta Mateu Sagués

Project: Study of the ecology of Middle Paleolithic ungulates in El Castillo Cave: Stable isotope analysis of ungulates from level XXf2-Cantabria

Institution: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)

Directors: Dr. Juan Marín Hernando, Dr. José Manuel Maíllo Fernández

Project: Genetic analysis for the determination of the molecular sex of the individuals found at the San Marcial de Rubicón site-Lanzarote

Institution: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Directors: Dr. Alejandra Calderón Ordóñez, Dr. Rosa Irene Fregel Lorenzo, Dr. María del Cristo González Marrero, Dr. Mª Esther Chávez Álvarez


Project: Capra or Ovis in the Canary Islands? evaluating zooarchaeological identification criteria and the indigenous management system with ZooMS-Islas Canarias

Institution: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Directors: Dr. Simon-Pierre Gilson, Dr. Jonathan Santana, Dr. Aitor Brito Mayor

Project: Colors and muds of the Early Iron Age in the plateau: archaeometric characterization of wall paintings and constructive elements of raw earth-Salamanca and Zamora     

Institution: Universidad de Valladolid

Director: Dr. Alejandra Sánchez Polo

Project: Stone and metal. Productive networks in the Protohistory of the Alto Segura- Albacete

Institution: Universitat d’Alacant

Director: Dr. Jesús Moratalla Jávega

Project: Archaeometric characterization of post-medieval ceramic productions (15th-16th centuries) from the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula. Between the Nasrid Emirate and the Kingdom of Granada (CARQ-NAZ)- Almería and Granada   

Institution: Universidad de Granada

Directors: Dr. Miguel Busto Zapic, Dr. Roberta Bruna Mentesana


Proyecto: Met-al-Andalus: Archaeometallurgy of Andalusian metal productions (8th-11th centuries)- Granada and Guadalajara

Instituion: Universidad de Granada

Directors: Dr. Guillermo García-Contreras Ruiz, Dr. Mercedes Murillo Barroso, Dr. Luca Mattei, Dr. Marcos García-García