Pintia Project: creation of infrastructural and museographic bases for research, conservation and dissemination of knowledge of the Vacceo-Roman oppidum of Pintia
The Pintia Project was born in 1999 thanks to a project financed byl the Ministry of Science and Technology in which numerous companies and public and private entities collaborated to create infrastructures and investigate and disseminate the knowledge generated from this vaccaean oppidum. Some of these companies, such as Tempos Vega-Sicilia Group, still collaborate with the project more than twenty years later and have been incorporated into the CEVFW Board of Trustees.
Thus, throughout forty years and especially in the last twenty, the P.I. of the Pintia Project and his team have built-up and improved a work center nearby the archaeological site, located at Padilla de Duero / Peñafiel (Valladolid). This center has the necessary conditions for a dignified practice in Archeology, as well as to guarantee the preservation of the exhumed materials. Besides archaeologists, the CEVFW includes professors in Comparative Human and Animal Anatomy, Condensed Matter Physics, Education, Computer Science, and Architecture, within an interdisciplinary perspective that is always necessary for archaeological studies.
In a labile vaccean historiography, the Pintia Archaeological Zone has become the best-known place in the extensive vaccean territory thanks to our research. In particular, vast information have been provided about its cremation cemetery (the only one known and published), or about the wood and mud architecture so characteristic of its area of habitat, about the complex defensive systems of the city (typical of a Mediterranean poliorketikos hitherto undocumented in the Iberian Peninsula), or its pottery neighborhood (with documentation of the largest and best-preserved kiln of its kind in all of Europe).
Sectoral studies have allowed us to delve into the idiosyncrasies of this pre-Roman people, referring to their weapons (Monte Bernorio daggers, curved-edged daggers), ornaments such as fibulae (the best collection in the entire Iberian Peninsula after Numancia, with almost four hundred pieces, which is currently the subject of a doctoral thesis in an advanced stage of development), unique excise productions, goldsmithing with ceramic replicas, some burnished black turned ceramics, etc.
Last but not least, specific efforts have been dedicated to the enhancement of the preservation of the archaeological site and its public valorization and appreciation. In this sense, we have rehabilitated the landscape of the Las Ruedas necropolis with a series of milestones for its visit and implemented a whole battery of actions (e.g., educational programs, conference cycles, open days, FICAB’s traveling headquarters, participation in INRAP’s European Archeology Conference, archeology exhibitions, guided tours, creation of the Vaccea publishing house, etc.) that in the end we believe have given their result in an active position of citizens in the enjoyment and defense of their historical-cultural heritage.

Iron Age, between the 5th century B.C. and the turn of the Iron Age.
University of Valladolid. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. Department of Prehistory, Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology and Historiographic Sciences and Techniques. Federico Wattenberg Center for Vaccean Studies.
Web and social networks
Principal Investigators
Dr. Carlos Sanz Mínguez
Full Professor at the University of Valladolid and Director of the Centro de Estudios Vacceos Federico Wattenberg
University of Valladolid
Pintia Archaeological Zone between the municipalities of Padilla de Duero/Peñafiel and Pesquera de Duero, Valladolid, Spain.
Results obtained:
Objective 1: In 1999 the UVa acquires an agricultural building that, through the appropriate reform, is transformed into the physical headquarters of the CEVFW.
Objective 2: The study of the funerary record, documenting the only known and published Vacceo cemetery, that of Las Ruedas, where the recovery of tens of thousands of objects and the obtaining of 320 closed sets to date have allowed the application of the assumptions of the Archaeology of Death, testing for the first time for the Vacceo world a social reconstruction through the funerary record.
Likewise, it has been possible to establish the sequence of the Vacceo weaponry (especially for the Monte Bernorio type daggers with curved blades), to give a Vacceo nature to the so-called “burnished black turned ceramics” and to characterize several elements of Vacceo idiosyncrasy, especially the so-called “singular productions” of an excised nature (small boxes, rattles, feet, boats, etc.), or the goldsmithery, with symbolic clay replicas in the funerary sphere. Also outstanding works are those related to wine and the banquet in the daily record of the habitat and symbolic of death, documenting the oldest wine of the Ribera del Duero in cups of the fourth century BC, but above all its funerary and habitational social context.have not lacked studies aimed at gender and childhood, focusing on outstanding tombs of women and children individuals. Also, for the first time in a city of the Vacceo territory, the defensive systems of these oppida have been revealed, by excavating the walls and moats of Pintia, which participate in models of Mediterranean poliorcetica inspired by Philo of Byzantium.
Objective 3: The rehabilitation of the landscape of Las Ruedas.
Objective 4: Along with the aforementioned itinerary, a didactic space has been set up for children from 7 to 14 years of age, consisting of six tastings with archaeological replicas. Also in the guided visits throughout the year on demand, we try to transmit the key elements of the Vacceo world and the need to preserve this heritage legacy that belongs to all of us.
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