The Palarq Foundation is a private and non-profit organization created with the aim of supporting Spanish Missions in Archaeology and Human Paleontology abroad, excluding Europe, within a perspective that ranges from the paleontological stage to the prehistoric and historical periods in monumental interest. Nowadays with analytical sponsorships for projects with actions in Spain.
To recognize the excellence and originality of archaeological or paleontological projects, directed by Spanish research teams and developed both nationally and internationally, without restrictions of cultures or historical periods.
Paleontology projects must be related to human evolution.
National or international archaeology or human paleontology projects that are already in progress at the time of the Prize call, developed by research teams belonging to universities, research institutes, CSIC, ICREA or other similar Spanish institutions, are eligible for the Prize.
Projects developed by teams from private entities or institutions without public recognition or not registered in the corresponding registers are excluded from the call for proposals.
– The projects must already be underway at the time of the call, and work carried out in the ten years prior to the call that has already been published or accepted by publishers and scientific journals, and that is directly related to the project for which the Award is being presented, will be considered.
– Each research team may submit only one project.
– Projects may be focused on any geographical area of the world.
– Projects that have already won this Award in previous editions are excluded, although projects that are complementary to those that have already won in previous editions are eligible for the Award in this call.
Projects competing for this Award in its 2023 call must submit their candidatures from February 20 to March 20, 2023, both inclusive, before 10:00 a.m. (Spanish time), by completing an online form on the Palarq Foundation’s website https://www.fundacionpalarq.com/iii-premio-2023/inscripcion.
The form must be accompanied by scanned documents certifying that the project competing for the Award is backed and authorized by the institution(s) to which the project team belongs, and that the research, object of the project presented has all the authorizations, concessions and licenses from the managing entity or entities responsible in all areas of the place or places where the project is actually developed.
The projects will be initially evaluated by a Selection Committee of the Palarq Foundation itself, to ensure that they adequately meet the requirements of the call. The Selection Committee may request, in order to properly evaluate the candidacy, the exhibition of the original documents that have been submitted scanned, and will have full freedom to select, according to its best criteria, which of the projects presented deserve to be submitted to the Jury of the Award, being its decision unappealable.
The Jury will be formed by personalities of recognized prestige in the cultural field, as well as by representatives of the Palarq Foundation. Its composition will be made public in due course on the Foundation’s website. The President of the Palarq Foundation will be an ex officio member of the Jury.
The decision of the Jury will be unappealable for all purposes and will be confidential until it is made public. Their deliberations, working documents and details of the votes will also be confidential.
If the number of members of the Jury is even and the result of the vote is a draw, the President of the Fundación Palarq will have the casting vote.
The Jury’s decision will be resolved in the month of June 2023.
The members of the Jury must agree with the Palarq Foundation in terms of the conception and criteria of the Prize, and may not have conflicts of interest with the teams responsible for the projects competing for the Prize, nor with the entities to which such teams belong.
The Jury reserves the right to declare the Award void.
The Award is endowed eighty thousand euros (€80,000). The Award will be awarded at an institutional event organized by the Palarq Foundation. The amount will be transferred, within one month of the award ceremony, to the account provided for this purpose by the institution to which the team responsible for the winning project belongs, provided that the said institution has previously fulfilled the administrative formalities required to receive from the Palarq Foundation the financial endowment of the Award. In the event that the winning team belongs to several institutions, it must designate one of them as responsible for the receipt of the prize and the fulfillment of the rest of the commitments assumed upon receiving it.
The economic endowment of the Award must necessarily be destined to attend to expenses and costs directly related to the awarded project, and the director or directors of the project must present the Palarq Foundation, before receiving the economic endowment, with a concrete budget for the effective application of the price money to the awarded project, and subsequently they must provide documentary evidence once a year to justify compliance with the budget.
The institution which receive the economic amount of the Award assumes the condition of guarantor of the aforementioned budget and its correct application, and will annually submit the corresponding technical and economic report to the Palarq Foundation, until the total application of the amount of the Award has been completed.
The entity or entities to which the team responsible for the winning project belongs, by the fact of having authorized the team in question to submit its project to the Award, acknowledge the Palarq Foundation:
- The right to use its logo linked to the winning project.
- The image rights over the photographs, videos and graphic material related to the winning project.
- The right to use images and contents of the winning project for the promotion and dissemination of the Award in any other call, within the framework of the provisions of the applicable legislation, to the fullest extent permitted by law for communication actions.
The submission of a project for this Award implies acceptance of these rules and the Jury’s decision.
Any candidacy that does not comply with these rules, is incomplete or contains any inaccuracy that could lead to error, and in general is not considered appropriate by the Palarq Foundation Selection Committee, will be excluded from the call for entries.
The information generated in each call for the Award will be subject to the following terms of confidentiality:
- The name of the participating entities, as well as the content of the projects will be confidential.
- The names and details of the project that has been awarded the price, as well as those of the finalist projects, will be publicly disclosed.
- The name and the winning project will be published on the website of the Palarq Foundation and in any other channel the Foundation may choose.
In compliance with the applicable regulations on personal data protection, we inform you that the personal data provided by the researchers whose projects are eligible for the Award will be included in files owned by the FUNDACIÓN PALARQ, for the organization and management of the cultural and scientific events of the Foundation. Their data will be kept in the Foundation’s files as long as it is necessary for the management of such events.
You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by sending an e-mail to premio@fundacionpalarq.com.
February 1, 2023