Call for grants 2020 from February 10 to May 15: Aid to research teams that are working on Archeology or Human Paleontology projects outside of Europe and belonging to a Spanish public institution, such as universities, research institutes, CSIC, ICREA and similar.

We open a new call from February 10 to May 15 for grants for excavation projects outside Europe.

This call is addressed to research teams that are working on Archeology or Paleontology projects outside of Europe belonging to a Spanish institution, such as universities, research institutes, CSIC, ICREA and similar.

The request must be sent by completing the following form:


The Evaluation Committee examines all the requests received and, based on the quality of information and the fit of the project in the objectives and values of the Foundation decides:

  • Support it partially or totally.
  • Postpone the decision, asking for further information.
  • Reject the request

Once the decision has been made, the responsible person will be contacted by the Foundation to communicate the result of the process and the steps to follow, if the request is not ruled out.


To carry out Spanish palaeontological and archaeological projects abroad

Summary description including the following data:


1. Title of the project and institution to which it is linked

  • Title (Maximum 350 characters)
  • Institution (Maximum 350 characters)
  • Postal address, telephone numbers and e-mail (Maximum 350 characters)
  • WeSite (Maximum 75 characters)
  • Social Networks (Maximum 350 characters)


2. Description of the project

  • Geographic and cultural scope (Maximum 3,000 characters)
  • Chronological period under study (Maximum 350 characters)
  • Value and meaning (Maximum 7,000 characters)
  • Target (Maximum 7,000 characters)
  • Methodology (Maximum 7,000 characters)
  • Duration (Maximum 350 characters)
  • Results obtained (Maximum 7,000 characters)
  • Future prospects (Maximum 3,000 characters)
  • Definition of the actions for which the aid requested from the Foundation is intended (Maximum 3,000 characters)
  • Institution with which the host country collaborates and its involvement, both at academic and civil society level (Maximum 2,500 characters)
  • Maximum 10 publications in the last 10 years (Maximum 7,000 characters)
  • Actions for the dissemination of results, at the general public level (Maximum 2,000 characters)



  • General of the site, and specific of the area/s to be intervened (Attach maximum 3 images)


4. Team

  • Name of the Principal Investigator(s) (PI) of the project and Institution they belong to (Maximum 350 characters)
  • Spanish public institution to which they belong (Maximum 350 characters)
  • Qualification/ Academic Position (Maximum 500 characters)
  • Projects in which you have participated as a PI or collaborator in the last 10 years (maximum 3,000 characters
  • Maximum 10 publications in the last 10 years (Maximum 7,000 characters)
  • Team members (Maximum 9,000 characters)
    Degree/ Academic Function
    Participation in projects (either as PI or collaborator), from the last 10 years, contributing a maximum of 10 projects from all team members, not from each of them. And a maximum of 10 publications from the last 10 years from all team members, not from each one of them


5. Planned date of the eligible campaign (Maximum 350 characters)

Planned implementation period and duration of the campaign(s) in the field to be subsidised


6. Official project permit issued by the relevant state authority, which expressly refers to the interventions relating to this application. In countries where both research and excavation permits are required, both must be submitted (Attach PDF)


7. Amount requested (Maximum 350 characters)


8. Breakdown of the budget requested from the Foundation (Maximum 4000 characters)

  • Transportation costs (specify for whom and why)
  • Accommodation costs (specify for whom and why)
  • Living expenses (specify for whom and why). Expenditure on ancillary staff and technicians (specify the role assigned to them in the project)
  • Excavation equipment
  • Treatment, archaeometric analysis, etc., of materials recovered during the campaign (up to a maximum of 20% of the total amount contemplated for these purposes)
  • A maximum of 20% of the total amount granted by the Foundation will be accepted, with prior justification, as unexecuted and as a remainder, which may be used in the following call


9. Other sources of funding available and amounts contributed (Maximum 350 characters)

It will be specified which other entities are financing the project, as well as the amounts with which they are doing so. In the case of a balance from the call for proposals

In the case of a request for information from the Palarq Foundation, the amount of the


10. Body endorsing the justification of the amount granted (Maximum 350 characters)


11. Once the interventions have been completed, a technical and economic report shall be submitted within the first 15 days of January of the year following the implementation of the campaign (minimum 40,000 characters including spaces, maximum about 60,000 including spaces)

  1. Scientific – technical report
    Including a description of the intervention(s), indicating the methodology applied, the results obtained in relation to the objectives set, the bibliography used, and publications derived from the project
  2. Economic report
  3. Maximum of 10 images of the Project
  4. Video not longer than 5 minutes (if any)
  5. News generated by the project (Maximum 3,000 characters)